Diploma HBS: 1962 Militaire dienst: 1962-1964 Doctoraal examen (Masters) Sociologie UvA: 1984 Opleiding Wetenschappelijk Bibliothecaris (OWB): 1985-1987 Promotie Universiteit van Pretoria: 8 september 2000 |
1994 Honorary professor Kharkiv State Institute for Culture, Ukraine (Now Kharkiv State Academy for Culture) |
Present Position
- IASL Vice President (Association Relations)
- Research Fellow at the University of Pretoria, Dept. Information Science,Pretoria, South Africa Formerly Visiting Professor 2001-2012;
- Member of the IFLA School Libraries Section, Standing Committee and Information Coordinator of the Section;
- Member of IFLA-IASL Joint Committee;
- Member of KNVI;
- Chair of ‘Stichting het Da Vinci Huis’;
- Member of the Editorial Board of Revista Română de Biblioteconomie şi Ştiinţa Informării (Romanian Review of Library and Information Science);
- Member of the ICT Literacy Editorial Board (MERLOT) California State University, USA
Universiteit van Amsterdam (The Netherlands) |
2008- | Retired |
2002-2008 | Coördinator Bachelor 'Documentaire Informatiewetenschap' |
2003-2008 | Coördinator Master 'Documentaire Informatiewetenschap' |
1987-2008 | UD - Senior Assistent Professor Lsg Archief- en Informatiewetenschap |
1987-1988 | Onderzoeker Vakgroep Wetenschapsdynamica Wetenschappelijk bibliothecaris Vakgroep Wetenschapsdynamica |
1980-1982 | Kandidaatsassistent Vakgroep Sociologie en Gebouwde Omgeving |
1977-1978 | Kandidaatsassistent Vakgroep Taalkunde |
University of Pretoria, Department of Information Science (South Africa) |
2001 - 2011 | Besoekende Hoogleraar / Visiting Professor |
1995 - 2000 | Visiting lecturer |
2000 - | External examiner |
Tallinn University, Department of Information Studies (Estonia) |
2005 - 2008 | Visiting Professor |
2000 - 2005 | Visiting lecturer |
Projects |
European Union |
1997-2000 | Contactpersoon Tempus JEP–12067: Integrated Information System of Universities (met zes universiteiten in Litouwen) |
1995-1998 | Coördinator Tempus JEP09493: Integrated Information Systems in Academic Libraries met zeven universiteiten in Litouwen |
1994-1997 | Contactpersoon Erasmus ICP-94-B-4042/15: (Uitwisseling studenten tussen België, UK 3x, Spanje en UvA |
1991-1995 | Coördinator Tempus JEP_ 03764-93/2: Updating library and information sciences in Romania (Zeven universiteiten in Roemenië) |
1990-1995 | Coördinator Hulpverlening Centrale Universiteitsbibliotheek Boekarest |
1988-1992 | Contactpersoon Erasmus ICP-91-NL-1077/15: Samenwerking UvA - Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen |
Universiteit van Amsterdam |
1996-1997 | Coördinator ‘De lerende bibliotheek’ (iWI) |
1996-1998 | UvA-docent in ‘Aansluiting VWO-UvA’ |
1992-1993 | Lid werkgroep Informatietechnologie ‘Commissie de Meijer’ UvA |
National educational projects |
2004- | Implementation ACRL norms for the Netherlands |
2003-2006 | Member of feedback group for 'Haagse Lente' |
2004-2005 | Information Literacy for staff in Secondary Education 'Ruud de Moor Centrum' |
2003-2004 | Digitale Universiteit: Management of Compentence oriented Curricula |
2003-2004 | Digitale Universiteit: Virtueel Discursief Kennisnet |
International educational projects |
2003 | Dept of Economic Information Management, Renmin University of China, China |
2002-2004 | Ghuangahua School of Management, Peking University, China |
1996, 1998, 2002-2003 | Dept. Library and Information Science University of Peking, China |
1995- | Dept. Information Science Universiteit van Pretoria, Zuid-Afrika |
1990-1995 2005 - | Dept. Library science University of Bucharest, Romania |
2006- | Dept. of Information Management of Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey |
Other activities |
2016 - | Member of the IFLA - IASL Joint Committee |
2016 - | Member of the ICT Literacy Editorial Board (MERLOT) California State University, USA |
2015 - | Member IFLA School Libraries Section. Member Standing Commitee. Information Coordinator |
2010 -2013 | Reviewer INSITE 2011 (Informing Science & IT Education) |
2010 | Member UNESCO expert group meeting on the development of a global framework of indicators to measure media and information literacy (MIL) 4 to 6 November 2010 in Bangkok, Thailand Picture |
2010 | Jury member of the First Information Literacy Contest during Wuhan University International Information Profession Summer Program at The First WuhanUniversity International Exchange Camp of Student Organizations. 11-18 July Wuhan (China) |
2007-2015 | Member IFLA Information Literacy Section. Member Standing Committee. Information Coordinator. |
2007-2008 | Coordinator UNESCO TTT Training The Trainers in Information Literacy |
2007-2008 | Member Program Committee ProLISSA 2009 conference. Pretoria 4-5 March |
2008 - 2014 | Member of the Board of the Stichting 'European Network for School Libraries and Information Literacy' (ENSIL) |
2007 | UNESCO International expert meeting Information and Media Literacy |
2007- | Member of Standing Committee IFLA sector Information Literacy (Information Officer) |
2006- | Member European Regional Team Information Literacy |
2006 | Member Program Committee ProLISSA 2006 conference. Pretoria 4-5 November 2006 |
2005-2006 | Member Program GL7 Program Committee |
2005 - | Member of the Board of Reviewers for the Journal of Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology |
2005 - | Member of Informing Science Journal Reviewer Committee |
2005 - | Member of Journal of Information Technology Education Reviewer Committee |
2005 | Member of the 2005 InSITE Conference International Board of Reviewers |
2005 | Member of the 2005 InSITE Conference International Board Program Committee |
2004-2005 | Lid visitatiecommissie STIMULATE (International Training Programs on INFORMATION) Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
2004 | Member Program Committee ProLISSA 2004 conference. Pretoria 28-29 October 2004 |
2004 - | Ad Hoc reviewer for the Editorial Advisory Board of the Annals of Cases on Information Technology (ACIT) |
2003-2004 | Member Program Committee of IRMA 2004 (Information Resources Management Association) |
2002 | Member Program Committee ProLISSA 2002 Second biannual DISSAnet conference. Pretoria 24-25 October 2002 |
2001 - | Member Editorial Board of Education for Information (Amsterdam : North-Holland) |
1997 - | Member of the Review Board for Library Acquisitions: Practice and Theory (Pergamon/Elsevier) |
1996 | Lid Programmacommissie Interdisciplinaire Onderzoeksconferentie Informatiewetenschap 1996 |
1994-1995 | Lid verkenningscommissie onderzoek NVB |
1993 | Lid themacommissie najaarsvergadering NVB |
1992-1994 | 'Professorenproject’ NINT |
1991-2007 | Bestuurslid Homodok (Stichting Dokumentatiecentrum Homostudies) sinds 1992 als voorzitter. In 2000 is het Homodok, Lesbisch Archief Amsterdam en het Anna Blaman Huis samengegaan in IHLIA (Internationaal homo/lesbisch informatiecentrum en archief) |
1987-1995 | Lid LOBO (Landelijk Overlegorgaan Beroepspraktijk-Opleidingen op het terrein van bibliotheek, documentaire informatie, boekhandel en uitgeverij). Sinds 1992 als voorzitter van het LOBO. Sinds 1995 leidt het LOBO een slapend bestaan. |