St. Da Vinci Huis


NaamAlbert Klazes BoekhorstName
Geboren2-10-43 te AmsterdamBorn




Diploma HBS: 1962
Militaire dienst: 1962-1964
Doctoraal examen (Masters) Sociologie UvA: 1984
Opleiding Wetenschappelijk Bibliothecaris (OWB): 1985-1987
Promotie Universiteit van Pretoria: 8 september 2000


1994 Honorary professor Kharkiv State Institute for Culture, Ukraine (Now Kharkiv State Academy for Culture)

Present Position

  1. IASL Vice President (Association Relations)
  2. Research Fellow at the University of Pretoria, Dept. Information Science,Pretoria, South Africa Formerly Visiting Professor 2001-2012; 
  3. Member of the IFLA School Libraries Section, Standing Committee and Information Coordinator of the Section;
  4. Member of IFLA-IASL Joint Committee;
  5. Member of KNVI;
  6. Chair of ‘Stichting het Da Vinci Huis’;
  7. Member of the Editorial Board of Revista Română de Biblioteconomie şi Ştiinţa Informării (Romanian Review of Library and Information Science);
  8. Member of the ICT Literacy Editorial Board (MERLOT) California State University, USA

Universiteit van Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
2008-  Retired
2002-2008Coördinator Bachelor 'Documentaire Informatiewetenschap'
2003-2008Coördinator Master 'Documentaire Informatiewetenschap'
1987-2008UD  - Senior Assistent Professor Lsg Archief- en Informatiewetenschap
1987-1988Onderzoeker Vakgroep Wetenschapsdynamica
Wetenschappelijk bibliothecaris Vakgroep Wetenschapsdynamica
1980-1982Kandidaatsassistent Vakgroep Sociologie en Gebouwde Omgeving
1977-1978Kandidaatsassistent Vakgroep Taalkunde
University of Pretoria, Department of Information Science (South Africa)
2001 - 2011
Besoekende Hoogleraar / Visiting Professor 
1995 - 2000Visiting lecturer
2000 -External examiner
Tallinn University, Department of Information Studies (Estonia)
2005 - 2008Visiting Professor
2000 - 2005Visiting lecturer

European Union
1997-2000Contactpersoon Tempus JEP–12067: Integrated Information System of Universities (met zes universiteiten in Litouwen)
1995-1998Coördinator Tempus JEP09493: Integrated Information Systems in Academic Libraries met zeven universiteiten in Litouwen
1994-1997Contactpersoon Erasmus ICP-94-B-4042/15: (Uitwisseling studenten tussen België, UK 3x, Spanje en UvA
1991-1995Coördinator Tempus JEP_ 03764-93/2: Updating library and information sciences in Romania (Zeven universiteiten in Roemenië)
1990-1995Coördinator Hulpverlening Centrale Universiteitsbibliotheek Boekarest
1988-1992Contactpersoon Erasmus ICP-91-NL-1077/15: Samenwerking UvA - Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen
Universiteit van Amsterdam
1996-1997Coördinator ‘De lerende bibliotheek’ (iWI)
1996-1998UvA-docent in ‘Aansluiting VWO-UvA’
1992-1993Lid werkgroep Informatietechnologie ‘Commissie de Meijer’ UvA
National educational projects
2004-Implementation ACRL norms for the Netherlands
2003-2006Member of feedback group for 'Haagse Lente'
2004-2005Information Literacy for staff in Secondary Education 'Ruud de Moor Centrum'
2003-2004Digitale Universiteit: Management of Compentence oriented Curricula
2003-2004Digitale Universiteit: Virtueel Discursief Kennisnet
International educational projects
2003Dept of Economic Information Management, Renmin University of China, China
2002-2004Ghuangahua School of Management, Peking University, China
1996, 1998, 2002-2003
Dept. Library and Information Science University of Peking, China
1995-Dept. Information Science Universiteit van Pretoria, Zuid-Afrika


2005 -

Dept. Library science University of Bucharest, Romania
2006-Dept. of Information Management of Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Other activities
 2016 -  Member of the  IFLA - IASL Joint Committee
2016 - 

Member of the ICT Literacy Editorial Board (MERLOT) California State University, USA 


2015  -Member IFLA School Libraries Section. Member Standing Commitee. Information Coordinator
2010 -2013Reviewer INSITE 2011 (Informing Science & IT Education)

Member UNESCO expert group meeting on the development of a global framework of indicators to measure media and information literacy (MIL)  4 to 6 November 2010 in Bangkok, Thailand


2010Jury member of the First Information Literacy Contest during Wuhan University International Information Profession Summer Program at The First WuhanUniversity International Exchange Camp of Student Organizations. 11-18 July Wuhan (China)
2007-2015 Member IFLA Information Literacy Section. Member Standing Committee. Information Coordinator.
2007-2008Coordinator UNESCO TTT Training The Trainers in Information Literacy
2007-2008Member Program Committee ProLISSA 2009 conference. Pretoria 4-5 March
2008 - 2014Member of the Board of the Stichting 'European Network for School Libraries and Information Literacy' (ENSIL)

UNESCO International expert meeting Information and Media Literacy


2007-Member of Standing Committee IFLA sector Information Literacy (Information Officer) http://www.ifla.org/en/information-literacy
2006-Member European Regional Team Information Literacy
2006Member Program Committee ProLISSA 2006 conference. Pretoria 4-5 November 2006
2005-2006Member Program GL7 Program Committee
2005 -Member of the Board of Reviewers for the Journal of Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology
2005 -Member of Informing Science Journal Reviewer Committee
2005 -Member of Journal of Information Technology Education Reviewer Committee
2005Member of the 2005 InSITE Conference International Board of Reviewers
2005Member of the 2005 InSITE Conference International Board Program Committee
2004-2005Lid visitatiecommissie STIMULATE (International Training Programs on INFORMATION) Vrije Universiteit Brussel
2004Member Program Committee ProLISSA 2004 conference. Pretoria 28-29 October 2004
2004 -Ad Hoc reviewer for the Editorial Advisory Board of the Annals of Cases on Information Technology (ACIT)
2003-2004Member Program Committee of IRMA 2004 (Information Resources Management Association)
2002Member Program Committee ProLISSA 2002 Second biannual DISSAnet conference. Pretoria 24-25 October 2002
2001 -
Member Editorial Board of Education for Information (Amsterdam : North-Holland)
1997 -Member of the Review Board for Library Acquisitions: Practice and Theory (Pergamon/Elsevier)
1996Lid Programmacommissie Interdisciplinaire Onderzoeksconferentie Informatiewetenschap 1996
1994-1995Lid verkenningscommissie onderzoek NVB
1993Lid themacommissie najaarsvergadering NVB
1992-1994'Professorenproject’ NINT
1991-2007Bestuurslid Homodok (Stichting Dokumentatiecentrum Homostudies) sinds 1992 als voorzitter. In 2000 is het Homodok, Lesbisch Archief Amsterdam en het Anna Blaman Huis samengegaan in IHLIA (Internationaal homo/lesbisch informatiecentrum en archief)
1987-1995Lid LOBO (Landelijk Overlegorgaan Beroepspraktijk-Opleidingen op het terrein van bibliotheek, documentaire informatie, boekhandel en uitgeverij). Sinds 1992 als voorzitter van het LOBO. Sinds 1995 leidt het LOBO een slapend bestaan.